DoddleReport - turn any IEnumerable set of data into pluggable reports!
public ReportResult ProductReport()
// Get the data for the report (any IEnumerable will work)
var query = ProductRepository.GetAll();
var totalProducts = query.Count;
var totalOrders = query.Sum(p => p.OrderCount);
// Create the report and turn our query into a ReportSource
var report = new Report(query.ToReportSource());
// Customize the Text Fields
report.TextFields.Title = "Products Report";
report.TextFields.SubTitle = "This is a sample report showing how Doddle Report works";
report.TextFields.Footer = "Copyright 2011 © The Doddle Project";
report.TextFields.Header = string.Format(@"
Report Generated: {0}
Total Products: {1}
Total Orders: {2}
Total Sales: {3:c}", DateTime.Now, totalProducts, totalOrders, totalProducts * totalOrders);
// Render hints allow you to pass additional hints to the reports as they are being rendered
report.RenderHints.BooleanCheckboxes = true;
// Customize the data fields
report.DataFields["Id"].Hidden = true;
report.DataFields["Price"].DataFormatString = "{0:c}";
report.DataFields["LastPurchase"].DataFormatString = "{0:d}";
// Return the ReportResult
// the type of report that is rendered will be determined by the extension in the URL (.pdf, .xls, .html, etc)
return new ReportResult(report);